Sorry ... I only like dealing with slick, corporate websites! Will you be turning this into one?
Welcome to Our Member's Activities ~ page.
Our Heritage FUND
Save a Unique Facility
Conserve Pristine Fields
Organize Community Garden
Identify a Unesco Site
Endangered Species Work
Plant an Organic Garden
Teach Water Conserving
Do Animal Help Works
Preserve a Lighthouse
Teach Free History Courses
Support Native Projects
Help to Save a Wetlands
Plant Trees & Teach Skills
Save Burros & Horses
Create Wildlife Corridors
Spring Water Conservation!
Rescue Dying Species
Collect /Threatened Species
Hold Indian/White
- Cultural Pow-Wows!
Unique Zoo Upgrades
Conserve Game Animals
Re-Zone Historic Areas !
Baby Animals Rearing
Organic Farm Tours
Preserve Wildlife Areas
What Can YOU Think of?
Partner 'YOUR 1, 2, 3, Group'TMwith any established Charity --but with a twist! YOU decide where your funds will go! Just think about it!
Public Education! Preserve Heritage Help Orphan Drugs! Pets 'n People TM Promote Traditions
"Hi! It's Us Folksies! Get Your Free member No. and Get Started, Today! What are you waiting for? Some one else --to get the best: '1, 2, 3, Volunteers!? TM
Which passionate avocation, will be YOUR hardworking, Charitable '1, 2, 3, Group?'TM
"Welcome to social tools, & charitable resources needed to: Enhance your Community, Improve your Area, & Re-build your State!"TM
Just Think: How you'll feel, when everybody sees Your Group's Photo ~ Our Slide Show here! Pretty, Darn, PROUD?!
Very PROUD! &...ALL Your Supporters WILL Surely be ...too!
* OPEN NOW * *** COMING : ***** Soon! ... * * *OPEN NOW! * * COMING : This Summer! ...
Type your paragraph here.
"NOW, Use Our LINKs below, to Propose Your chosen 'Member Activity to us..'
Are you surprised ...Non-profit work could be this innovative? We're Not! Predecessor Organizers' TM have been working on these concepts for decades, to finally bring this prototype, Web 2.5 Website to you, our much Valued Visitor! But, this Socio-Commercial Experiment is really a finely tuned series of Actionable Projects: waiting to be done by you, a Nation of peer-to-peer Helpers: designing your own Single or Group Activities, Events, Community projects, or Fund-raisers: our as-yet UN-tapped army of caring-Americans; building social repair in your locale. You think only Corporations know more than grassroots folks?
You haven't seen ANYTHING Yet! Are you ready to Surprise your Friends with your enthusiasm? Shock your co-workers with new-found business-skills? Stagger your stuffy, old-fashioned Town-council with your ideas?
Are you ready to change the World? ~starting with your Home, town...where Charity should, and truly Begins?
Then, buckle your seat-belt ~ squeeze into a comfy chair 'n get ready for a new Life~Style of Your Ride! TM Because . . .
"Strangers are only Friends we haven't met --yet! That's why everyone's welcome to Help!"
I Pledge to be an Active,Teaching Member !
Raise Money for YOUR 'Cause AND Make Money while You are doing it! Meet: Profitable Fundraising!TM ONLY Here! TM : at '1, 2, 3, Volunteers! TM
Take Our Tour
From Lemonade Stands to Black-Tie Balls unleash your Social-Networker for your 'Cause. Or, provide customers new savings& revenues! Win - Win- Win - Win!TM
Return to TOP of page.
Join Our Campaign!
Social Services
Assist A Care Facility
Senior Home Visits
Pets Visiting the Sick
Helping Disabled Shoppers
Collecting for Spay & Neuter
Driving those w/ out Cars
After School Clubs, Teaching
Neighborhood Block Partys
Grocery Collections
Community Garage Sales
Give Medical / Nursing Svcs.
Donate Dental Services
Teach Skills Classes
Student Field Trips
Visit Sick Citizens
Teach English !!!
Hold Team Challenges
Network / Plan Picnics
BBQ's ~ Rallys ~ Birthdays!
Organize Town Fairs
Autistic & ADD Therapies
Take Over A Holiday Event Coordinate !
Help a Distressed Person
Comfort the Dying
Do Chores of Imprisoned
What Can YOU Think of?
Start with Nothing: Be a Town Hero:TM Make changes the whole area is grateful for! And go out an Prove IT CAN BE DONE! TM
Website Design & Constructed bySeMdomains.ClubTM
Collect for Student Needs
Teach Citizens A Courses
Lend Groups Tech. Tools
Fund-raise at Planatarium
Rock & Mineral Seminars
Study Town Water Usages
After School Clubs, Teaching
Challenge & Oust Climate - Change-Deniers
School S.T.E.M. projects
Field Intern-ships Grants
Support Science Courses
Remedial Tutor Grants
Teach Skills Classes
Student Field Trips
High-School Work Studys
Advanced Adult Courses
Hold Team Challenges
Study Local Species Loss
Endangered Species Havens
Books & Tools, Funds
Invite Star Speaking Hosts
Brain Research Club
Field Discovery Research
Water & Air Keeper Studies
Little Children Long-Term
What Can YOU Think of?
Creative ARTs FUND
School Arts Projects
Group Collage Work
Town Project Quilts
Teach Your Skill: ie.:Knitting
Study Cubism Art & Beyond
Pottery, Glass, Metal work
Hold a Crafts Fair & Auction
Raffle Off: Art Classes
Art Therapy for Disabled
Community Art Auctions
More Art in School Cericula
Share Art-History Lessons
Teach Skills Classes
Student Field Trips
New Music Therapies
Community Mural - Paintings
Art Expression for - the Depressed
Produce a U-Tube Series
Intern'l. Art Exchanges
Low-budget Documentary
Coordinate !
Hold a FINE Art Auction
Host Celebrity Art Fairs
Donate Your Art to 'Us!'
What Can YOU Think of?
member Testimonials | site Security & Guarantees | MAP
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